How AP and the WI press does damage control for Governor Drunken Sailor • October 18, 2015

Yet again I get the impression that Associated Press does whatever it can to protect and/or repair Scott Walker’s image.

Compare the headlines and stories on Walker’s recent FEC filing:

From Washington Post (author – Jenna Johnson): How Scott Walker spent $90,000 a day to lose an election


From U.S. News and World Report (author- David Catanese):

Fiscal Conservative Scott Walker Spent Like a Drunken Sailor, Put Kids on Payroll


From Associated Press (author – Scott Bauer):

Wisconsin Gov. Walker raised about $7.4 million in run for president, spent about $6.4 million


Channel 3000 of Madison REALLY did Walker a solid favor and shortened the headline (and the story) further:

Walker raised about $7.4 million in run for president


The ever Walker-friendly TMJ4 TV station in Milwaukee did the same at its web site.



The Lee Enterprises-owned Wisconsin State Journal used the shortened headline as well!

There will be another set of news stories out on Walker’s campaign spending and campaign debts in January.  As stated by M.J.Sentinel:

“The full extent of the deficit may not be revealed until the campaign files its next report with the Federal Election Commission in January.”

However it’s unlikely Walker will continue to get this many write-ups in national news outlets.

Tweeters of the political variety are already saying, “Scott who?”

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