Shelly Moore to Oppose Sheila Harsdorf in Recall Election

A leader in education, Shelly Moore,  has stepped up to fight for the job of Wisconsin State Senator in District 10. Her opponent is Republican Senator Sheila Harsdorf. A special recall election for the seat is likely slated for July 12th.

What advice would you give teacher and contender Shelly Moore?

Should she stick to a strident pro-union and pro-education message – standing apart and standing for the energy that brought thousands of Wisconsinites to demonstrations?

Or should she choose a softer approach to appeal to a “moderate” voter?

Wisconsin’s Democratic Senators – all 14 of them – left our state to halt Wisconsin Act 10 waking us up and firing us up.  By sticking their necks out, those Dems gained new respect. And I believe they’ve gained a wider set of supporters than they could have foreseen.

The Dem 14 set a tough standard, but it’s one we now expect – that Democratic contenders in Wisconsin will be strident, unapologetic, fighters for unions and public education.

Your thoughts?

fromWEAC ”

Hailing from a family of educators, Shelly Moore, a high school English and drama teacher at Ellsworth Community High School, has 12 years of experience in the classroom. She was elected to the National Education Association (NEA) Board of Directors in 2005.

Moore’s calling is teaching self-confidence and creative expression to students by directing school musicals and plays, as well as coaching forensics and other academic competition teams. She is past president of the state theatre educators association, the Alliance for Wisconsin Theatre Education. She also volunteers with local community theatre and arts organizations and at the River Falls domestic and sexual violence shelter.

Moore believes all work on behalf of students and public education is significant and that the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) and NEA cannot rest until all children have equal access to education, a fact that is exemplified by her service to WEAC. She served as an alternate and later as a representative to the WEAC Board of Directors for three years, and was a member of the WEAC Legislative Committee. She has been a delegate to the WEAC Representative Assembly since 2000 and the NEA Representative Assembly since 2002.

She is currently active in the West Central Education Association (WCEA) as a member of its executive board and serves on several WCEA committees. A member of the Ellsworth Education Association, she was president from 2001-2004 and vice president from 1999-2001, and presently serves as local treasurer, a position she has held since 2005.”

Both candidates live in River Falls, Wisconsin.

One thought on “Shelly Moore to Oppose Sheila Harsdorf in Recall Election

  1. This is not just about the unions although that was what set the fire under us after our many years of seeming paralysis. This is more about what those with money have been doing to those without money for so many years cuiminating in a near social collapse. The wealthy and politicians (often are the same people) have a virtual monopoly on money and power in society. The corporate money controls the politicians who are more than happy to keep giving the corporations more and more power and control in exchange for more money. It is a vicious cycle that we need to break before our own democracy is completely broken and we end living in a fascist state. The voter ID’s are a really good example of that. They don’t want Democrats to vote. The elderly, poor and minorities are likely to vote Democrat and they are the ones least likely to have Driver’s Licenses that will be required to vote. The corporations would like total and complete control of our lives. I would like to see Miss Moore focus on what the decisions of this current administration are doing to our elderly and poor and our rapidly deteriorating middle class and what they are doing to our environment. Wisconsin is in relatively good shape environmentally compared to many other states. The Walker admin is intent on changing that for the worse by allowing corporations to do whatever they want, wherever they want which will have devastating environmental consequences. We are happy to see Miss Moore running against Harsdorf.

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