Grab bag of solidarity, cooperatives, and the CLAP.

Madison housing cooperatives face threat. Mayor Dave?

A familiar symbol of the co-operative is that of the encircled Twin Pines. The symbol was adopted in 1922 by the Co-operative League of the USA, as the National Co-operative Business Association was then known, as a universal co-operative emblem.  The co-operative emblem displays Twin Pines encircled because the pine tree is an ancient symbol of life and the circle has the endless quality of eternity. Two pines are shown to emphasize the mutual nature of co-operation. The trees and the circle are dark green, which is the colour of chlorophyll, the life principle in nature. The colour within the circle is golden yellow, typifying the sun, the giver of light and lifeThis Tuesday night March 29 at 6:30pm Alder Marsha Rummel will introduce a measure to prevent city zoning from removing “co-op friendly” provisions in city code [the agenda].

April 5th we have a mayoral election. Madison is home to at least 11 cooperative housing sites some of which date back to 1968, I know we have more in the woodwork, and we have a locally beloved & nationally known food coop which recently expanded into Middleton. When Willy St Co-op wanted to raise $600,000 in 60 days—they raised it in 21. Madison and cooperatives are BFF.

Mayor Dave, although I don’t see evidence of it on Soglin’s Waxing America, at least one local labor/co-op blogger I spoke with believes Hizzoner’s been promoting co-ops for months. Candidate Soglin spoke at the Saturday rally for co-ops and workers at the Capitol.

So I’m scratching my head wondering if you’re letting Soglin have what amounts to a  gimme, or you’ve been informed you must slight the co-ops if you want to snuggle up with that Madison Isthmus biz blok ….    From this angle, I don’t see why you can’t have your cooperatively baked cake and eat it too.

“One Issue Doesn’t add up”  Kloppenburg endorsed by the Appleton Post-Crescent

Justice David Prosser has a past as a legislator. Now his days breaking campaign laws during the anything-goes Jensen era are gumming up at least one endorsement.

Prosser shrugged off questions about that past, saying”it was a different era and public expectations were quite different.”  The Post-Crescent wrote “Only someone who works — or worked — in the Capitol would think taxpayers would go for that. Again, it was against the law….So, what do we do? Let bygones be bygones? We can’t. The Post-Crescent endorses JoAnne Kloppenburg”

Their endorsement article is worth a read and is not what I expected from this typically right-of-center newspaper.

Are you a member of the “TeamsterNation”?

“Wisconsin’s Democratic party thinks the Senate will be theirs by July. They’ll control the Senate by 17-16 if they recall just three of the eight Republican senators who voted to destroy government workers’ collective bargaining rights.

Then, in 281 days, they can recall Koch whore Gov. Scott Walker.”

Get more Teamster sass HERE.

Kruptoons Kar

Wm. J. Krupinski of Kruptoons fame strikes  again. Somebody buy this man a gallon of gasoline or 10 so he may ferry a soccer team or something and spread his pro-Kloppenburg message across the land.

Click the image to go to the now infamous JoAnne Kloppenburg for Wisconsin Supreme Court facebook page.

“Yes it is”.  “No it isn’t”.

That’s a tweet headline stolen from @RobinMarohn and/or his blog re. the “budget repair bill” more formally known as Wisconsin Act 10.

Mike Huebsch of Wisconsin’s Dept. of Admin. in a written statement:

“Upon the advice of my legal counsel, the Department of Administration will begin the process of implementing (the law) as we are required to do the day after a bill is lawfully published. We are mindful that this Act is continuing to be litigated and we will continue to be responsive to the courts as the law begins to be applied.”

And the rest of the world knows that the Secretary of State – currently Doug La Follete – is the person who publishes Wisconsin state law.

Consult illusory tenant for more on why the Wisconsin Act the LRB printed Friday may as well have been printed by Marc Pocan’s shop. [which I promote because Marc coined “FitzWalkerStan”]

A case of the CLAP is going ’round.

Conservatives Leaning Against Persons of interest

UW-Madison Professor William Cronon wrote about the we-write-yer-right-wing-legislation-while-you-wait group ALEC and this, New York Times opinion piece.  He caught the CLAP.

Capper helped start the Milwaukee County First organization and blogged at Cognitive Dissonance. He faced the CLAP. Who’ll catch the CLAP next?

Must be a mutation on that old virus, McCarthyism. I thought it time to brush up on the Red Scare.

I’m watching this 44 minute film, “Committee on Un-American Activities” by Robert Carl Cohen online right now.  From
“..the first film ever made by a private US citizen which questioned the legitimacy of a US governmental agency.  As its name implied, the Committee’s purpose was to investigate those organizations and individuals it deemed “un-American.”  The writer-director of the film uses as his focus a modern day “Everyman,” an average American who wanted to understand the Committee, its purpose, its function. He watches as events spanning a quarter-century unwind. …He sees the parade of friendly and unfriendly witnesses who appeared before the Committee, of witnesses who refused to cooperate with the Committee and subsequently saw friendships destroyed, jobs lost, freedom exchanged for prison and, in some cases, even suicide.”

Final note, you can lend a “like” to Professor Cronan on facebook: Support Professor William Cronon.

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